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How can you safely introduce pets to children?

First Thing's First

Before you even get your new fur baby, you have to consider which one you want to get. Sharon Moore, from Petcarers, has some options that are perfect for kids of all ages. “Which type of pet should you choose? Rabbits and guinea pigs are a great first pet. Generally low maintenance they can be cuddled, brushed, fed carrot sticks, listen to "secrets", and have funny little squeaks that amuse the littlies. Kittens and puppies require more work, and your children can help decide which might be better. An energetic, funny, playful kitten that can sleep up to 16 hours per day, tends to know how to use litter trays automatically and likes to sleep in the children's beds. A puppy will require more input from mum or dad. Puppy classes can help set them up for success from the start and give the family lots of great info. Toilet training is more work, and a few "oops" moments will happen. Puppies need plenty of play and walks which are great fun and will help keep children active.

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